Preface: This letter, a hand written letter, was discovered as I unpacked from my move back to Iowa in the Fall of 2017. The letter was written to Elizabeth Horness by her daughter, my wife, Maxine. The letter was written three months before Elizabeth died on Dec 29, 1976. It is a heart warming story that included tears as I …
Nighttime Thoughts
Preface: This “story” was discovered when I moved to Iowa in October of 2017. Maxine’s mother had a knack for poetic story writing. I don’t recall the event that put Elizabeth in the hospital. Elizabeth and Hack had a strong faith in God that was passed down to their kids and this story is part of the family history. …
Romance Renewed
Preface I consider this story to be the most important advice I’ve given to my kids and grandkids. Romance Renewed As I grew up on the farm, we seldom took vacations. Except for an occasional family dinner with Aunts and Uncles on Sundays, we worked most of the time. Spring and Fall were seven days a week, and livestock had …
It Was Love
IT WAS LOVE The Iowa winter of ‘61-‘62 was filled with big snows and blizzards. In February of ’62, I started dating Maxine Horness. She had been trying to catch my eye for months, but I had been oblivious of her. We kissed on our first date and agreed to “go steady” on our second date. As they say “life …
Save Room For Us
Save Room For Us It was an ideal summer day in Nevada as I walked down the street to the 130th Alumni Banquet. The sun was bright in the clear blue mile high Iowa sky. The temperature was pleasant for this time of year. The humidity was low, uncommon for a summer day in Iowa. The leaves whispered in the gentle …